40 Superb ways to Help with Dealing with Difficult Emotions
40 different ways to help with dealing with difficult emotions – most of these are easy to implement or free of charge. All it takes is practice
40 different ways to help with dealing with difficult emotions – most of these are easy to implement or free of charge. All it takes is practice
Simple Strategies to assist you with understanding your feelings and emotions. I have here three tools to help you to learn with understanding your feelings
Some advice and strategies how to cope if you are going through a difficult time –
Explanation of the different toxic family roles | a description of what those dysfunctional family roles is, how they could affect you using real life examples
Signs of a Toxic Family include addiction, untreated mental health issues, Co-dependency, Narcissism, parenting style, Domestic abuse, Parentification etc
Learning when making mistakes is important for post-traumatic growth. Mistakes teach us what didn’t work for us and encourage us to find new ways of living
Learn how to use the feeling wheel to help understand and manage your emotions – A great tool for your healing journey
What is Self-Esteem – Effects of Low Self Esteem and what causes low self esteem
What is Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (known as Complex PTSD, c-PTSD). Where you experience a severe form of PTSD from multiple or prolonged traumas.
What makes a Childhood Traumatic can vary depending on several factors i.e. your age, how often it happened, and who helped you heal