20 Simple Trauma-Informed Grounding Techniques for CPTSD
A list of 20 Trauma-Informed Grounding Techniques to help with Complex PTSD when you are feeling overwhelmed, having a bad day, or feeling intense anxiety, etc
A list of 20 Trauma-Informed Grounding Techniques to help with Complex PTSD when you are feeling overwhelmed, having a bad day, or feeling intense anxiety, etc
There are 3 types of trauma that a child could experience each with its own set of signs, and symptoms. This explains why our traumatic experiences affect
The 4 Types of Trauma Responses are – Fight, Flight, Freeze, and Fawn – it explains the biological and psychological reasons why we often behave the way we do
The Signs Of Adults With Complex PTSD include difficulties managing emotions, intense shame, relationship and behavior difficulties, etc
8 types of abuse that an adult could have experienced from their toxic parents as a child. Find out what to do if you or someone you know has been abused
We may be experiencing depression and symptoms that are easier to spot but there are 17 uncommon signs of depression that are harder to recognise. Read more
List 10 benefits of psychotherapy and how it would change your life. It will help your relationships, your health, and what you want to do for your life, etc
Understanding that you could be living with Complex PTSD could offer you insight and hope for your issues. Learn more about some unfamiliar signs and symptoms.
What is Codependency and what are the signs to look out for. I will also introduce how it could affect your life, why it could have happened, what you can do
9 strategies and tips on how to Cope with Toxic Family Members at Christmas