Do you ever wonder how to start meditating but don't know where to start?
Do you think it feels overwhelming or there is no way you can fit it into your life?
This article will provide the answers to some of your questions and set you on your way. The truth is, it isn’t as hard as you think it is to start meditation.
So hopefully you would be more clearer on how to start meditating by the end of this article.
You would find it useful to read my other blogs on meditation where I first mentioned different types of meditation as there are so many available. You are bound to find one that suits you.
I only mentioned a few as there are literally hundreds of different types available.
In a previous article, in case you need convincing, I talked through the benefits of meditating.
This follows nicely with how to start meditating if you are a beginner
A quick note about the Benefits of Meditation
The main thing is to set aside time to do it. Just as a reminder.
You can put in and take out of meditation exactly what you want. It won’t take over who you are and hypnotise you. It doesn’t need to be anything spiritual or religious unless that’s what you want. It has so many benefits, it’s free, and it doesn’t take much time to get a lot out of it. I can go on and on about its benefits
How to Start Meditating
I have provided 5 tips on how to start meditating and how you can make it as easy on yourself as possible. I have also included some challenges you might face and what you can do about it5
1. When to Meditate?
Some hard-core meditators may get up at four in the morning to meditate when they believe everyone is asleep.
You will be happy to learn there isn’t a perfect time to meditate that is going to benefit you more. It is more about what time works best for you that you can schedule and carry it out without any distractions.
For most people that is the mornings as soon as they wake up as it sets a calm and productive tone before the day’s activities and distractions begin.
Others prefer evenings as it often helps them to get to sleep. However, over time meditation will do that anyway as you become more relaxed in general.
Try not to meditate when you are extremely hungry or too full as this can make you feel uncomfortable.
2. How often should I meditate?
The most important thing about meditation is consistency. The key to getting the benefits out of it is to do it daily. It is better to meditate for 10 minutes every day seven days a week than 70 minutes once a week.
With that in mind, just start small so that you can get used to it. Even if it is just one or two minutes, to begin with. Just doing some deep breathing. When you get used to doing it regularly, you can start to increase the time.
It might help in the beginning to have reminders to prompt you. You can put a reminder on your smartphone. Post it notes on your fridge. Whatever it takes.
Just think of it as brushing your teeth. If you just brushed your teeth once a week, you would not have them for very long. It is that routine practice of keeping them clean that keeps them healthy. It is the same with meditating.
3. Where can I meditate?
You can meditate anywhere quiet where you won’t be disturbed, and you will be physically comfortable.
I understand that it could be difficult to meditate if you have a busy home, or if you share your home with a lot of people and there is little privacy.
But you’ll find a place somewhere. It may be your bedroom. It could be your study. It may even be in the bathroom if you really have no other place. At least that door has a lock.
4. Before you start
As mentioned before please ensure that you are not too hungry or too full.
It would help to start with some slight stretches for your back and shoulders in particular. Just in case you feel stiffness in this area.
Also, have some water so you are not thirsty but not too much, so you need the loo five minutes later.
5. Get comfortable
You can meditate lying down in bed you would be pleased to know. Even though sitting is the best position.
When you wake up after a good night’s sleep or a nap, instead of getting right up and engaging the world in a disoriented, dopey state, you can stay in bed a few minutes longer and take a couple of minutes to meditate.
As long as you are in a position where you would be comfortable for the time you are meditating. It’s fine. It would help to keep your back as straight as possible, so you are not hunched over.
When sitting down, you can either sit on a mat or cushion on the floor. Alternatively, you can sit on a chair or on your sofa. Preferably not a chair that swivels as that would be too distracting. If you have a chair that reclines, perfect!
When walking, it would be more important to ensure that your clothes are secure and comfortable. Also, you have dressed appropriately for the weather.
6. The Challenges!
I think about too many things
The key here is not to worry about your thoughts. The more you practice it the more you will get used to it and the less they will disturb you. I can tell you this from personal experience. It is the perfect way to help you to calm your racing thoughts.
It’s boring
It does seem like it would be boring and that there are better things you would rather do with your time. Firstly, there are so many different types of meditation and there is bound to be one that suits you.
I can’t begin to explain how many videos there are on Youtube. You will be spoilt for choice. There are so many people with different accents, and tones of voice. You can listen to music, the rain, the sea, birds, etc. You can meditate on things that are abstract and magical or on something concrete and realistic.
I tried it a few times and it didn’t work
Well, OK. Hope you’ve read through to this point and can predict how I will answer this question.
When you brush your teeth a month ago once or twice, are your teeth OK?
I’m too impatient
Some people can get instant gratification from meditating when they find the right one.
For most of us it takes time to get the complete benefits where you can actually see changes. This is where you need to trust the process. Even if you don’t have much faith if meditation. Trust that it has worked and is working for billions of people over thousands of years.
I want to go on a course to learn how to do it properly
Well, you don’t need to really. Not to make a start anyway.
Getting Started
It might help to have a stopwatch to time your sessions. Just make sure that the alarm is quite soft and gentle, not too loud.
Decide beforehand what you want to do. You can either just sit in silence doing deep breathing, follow a particular type of meditation or listen to a guided meditation recording.
Have a journal handy so you could record any thoughts that come to mind. You would need to record these after you meditate.
What to do next
What do you think about the contents of this article. Feel free to contact me to let me know and also let me know of other articles you would like to see on this website.
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